we build affordable housing.
We build affordable housing for working families earning between 40 and 80 percent of the area median income. Our partner families face significant pressure due to rising housing costs. By utilizing volunteer labor, generous in-kind donations, and community support, we sell mortgages to our partner families at a rate that allows them to save money, build capital, and provide a stable home for their family for years to come.
we Improve HOMES And make them Accessible.
Hundreds of individuals in Greater Lafayette can't leave their homes because they lack an adequate accessibility ramp. Our work in partnership with the organization SAWs brings community members together to make homes wheelchair accessible.
Habitat's A Brush with Kindness program works to help people in need of small home repairs, ramps, etc. Habitat will provide the volunteers to do the work but the material cost will need to be paid by the homeowner.
we mentor families.
Owning a home is hard work, and we do everything we can to help our partner families succeed. We work side by side with the families in our program by providing financial coaching, homeownership preparation courses, and opportunities to build community and make connections. Each family completes at least 250 hours of sweat equity where they help build homes, make repairs, and learn the ins and outs of owning a home.