

Jennifer grew up in Lafayette. She describes herself at empathetic and curious and someone who is committed to continuous growth.

She works as a janitor at Purdue in Shreve Hall. She loves researching and learning new things. She enjoys art, nature and spirituality, above all. She likes to help other people and to connect with others.

Arellia is an 8th grader at Tecumseh. She is complex and independent. She enjoys sewing, crafts, music, and being with friends.

Sebastian is in 6th grade at Sunnyside. He is unique and quiet. He likes to paint!

Maurice is a 5th grader at Paramount. He is humorous and caring. He likes gaming and making mini videos with friends.

Jennifer applied for the program to have the opportunity to give her children a secure and stable home. She is looking forward to taking pride in working for her home. She also has an older daughter and an almost 4 year old grandson. She can’t wait for the entire family to be able to celebrate birthdays and holidays in a new home!