

Joela grew up in Mexico and moved here 27 years ago. She wanted better opportunities for herself.

Joela works for Clay Critters operating a laser printer. She describes herself as hard working and responsible. She enjoys helping people in need. She loves flowers and making flower arrangements.

Her daughter, Ashley, graduated from high school and got her license to become a manicurist. Ashley enjoys going to the gym and reading a good book.

Her son, David, is in the 6th grade at St. Lawrence. He likes to play basketball and enjoys reading.

Joela decided to apply for the homeownership program because she likes what Habitat for Humanity stands for. She saw what an amazing opportunity this would be for her and her family!

It has been a life long dream of Joela’s to own her own home and she is ready for the responsibility! She can’t wait to see how this changes their lives!

